Payment Options
Use wire transfer, credit card or PayPal for your purchase online.
Bank Transfer
If you choose bank transfer for payment method you will receive our bank details and the order number on your order confirmation e-mail.
Please transfer the entire amount to the specified account upon receipt of the sales confirmation specifying the order number. You are responsible for the occasional transfer costs and/or bank fees. We will ship your order as soon as your payment has been received to our account, provided the articles are available for shipment.
In case you ordered items which are not available yet choosing “bank transfer” as a payment method is a perfect way for a risk-free pre-booking. You can withhold your payment until we notify you via email that your ordered item is ready for shipment. We will ship your item to your specified shipping address as soon as your payment has been credited to our bank account.
Credit Card
Choose “Credit Card” for your “Payment Method” in order to use your credit card for your purchase on
When you enter your credit card information during checkout process your information will be processed through Stripe. This external payment solution partner ensures that your credit card information will be processed using state-of-the-art server security software with SSL encryption which protects your credit card information from interception and manipulation during the transfer.
If you want to learn more about Stripe regarding charges and refunds, payouts, international procedures, disputes and fraud or accounting and tax topics please visit Stripe’s support pages.
You also have the option to use PayPal as a payment method which is extremely quick, safe and easy for you as a customer.
All you need is a valid PayPal account. Choosing PayPal you will be automatically redirected to PayPal during the ordering process. We do not charge any extra fee for your payment with PayPal and so doesn’t PayPal.
Find latest information on actual PayPal conditions on Buy your Deck Solutions gear online and use our convenient payment options.
Contact us if you have any questions.
In single cases we may offer payment options beyond the listed ones. We recommend to check back to this page from time to time or before your next purchase as options, terms and conditions may change over time.